For 2024, we are calling for grants applications, amounting to €12,000. Our financial support varies depending on the project but no allocation will exceed ¼ of the total amount of annual grants awarded by the Amiens Métropole Zoo (i.e. a maximum of €3,000 for 2024).
Projects must share our values to be eligible. To ensure this, we are looking for projects that meet the following conditions:
- The project must carry out concrete and measurable actions on the field with annual objectives.
- The theme of the project must be linked to the scientific and educational project of the zoo.
- The project directly or indirectly benefits at least one animal species listed on the IUCN red list (VU / EN / CR / EW).
- The project has clear animal welfare’s ethics.
- The project involves local actors. Ideally, it is led by local actor(s).
- The project benefits to local populations, directly or indirectly (economic development or education for example).
- The project has the consent of local authorities.
Amiens Zoo evaluates grant application files once a year, at the start of the year. A reply (even negative) is systematically sent to candidates.
If you wish to propose a project and apply for a grant, please send us the application document which you will find here accompanied by the list of documents below.
You can send your file to the following email address : (object : application for funding a conservation project)
Be careful, application will not considered if documents missing. Please attach the following documents in pdf format.
1/ One-page Curriculum Vitae, Resume, for key project personnel
2/ The signed statutes of the project (except in case of renewal)
3/ Last year activity report
4/ Bank Account Statement
Finally, by applying, the project undertakes to:
- put the Amiens zoo logo in all publications and communication documents
- send us an annual report
- send us royalty-free visuals and photos that can be used by Amiens zoo, at the latter's request and at least once a year.
- Cite the Amiens zoo in scientific publications
- Inform us of any significant problem that could destabilize the future of the project